has anyone ever wondered what it would be like to be either a potato, a chicken, a penguin or a pineapple?
Just askin
NightSeeka :whip:
So, ihr tapferen Tastatur-Tiger, habt ihr euch jemals gefragt, warum wir uns lieber in apokalyptischen…
Posted In: general chat forum
has anyone ever wondered what it would be like to be either a potato, a chicken, a penguin or a pineapple?
Just askin
NightSeeka :whip:
as a potato you’Re hiding in the ground praying to not be found by anyone inclined to eat you
as a pineapple same rules apply above the ground
as a chicken your chances are close to zero anyway.
so my guess would be that we’d be best off beeing reincarnated as the violent predatory beeing known as penguin.
besides they look cute and cuddly and stuff 😉
@NightSeeka wrote:
has anyone ever wondered what it would be like to be either a potato, a chicken, a penguin or a pineapple?
Just askin
NightSeeka :whip:
I think being a potato would be best… Everyone loves a potato.
hrmm, some pretty sweet thinkin guys. Personally i’d prefer to b a chicken. i wanna no wot it feels like to be able to run round without a head.
hm…now you got me wondering too..
I would probably ask my exgirlfriend for first hand information about how a brainless chick with no meaning left in her life feels but i fear opening a door for further unwanted conversation where a stainless steel wall and a minefield should be.
* goes to play with his new gf *
ya, bein a chicken kinda sucks compared to a black widow. Thing is tho, is
it worth bein summat ur totally scared of, when it’d b a pretty cool livin. No wot i mean??? 😕
summat = something
i wasnt sayin u were afriad of spiders, i was admiting my own fear 😳
sowry Nuntia.
Spiders are evil and maestro is right. theyr all plottin to take over the world
and to make it theirs. and the teletubbies work for the spiders and the world
is goin to end up full of teletubby-spiders tht go round eatin ppl! 💡
Nah, theyr too busy ‘playing’with eachother….unless.thats a cover up,
and they really are the leaders…. ooooo the confusion. theyr all out to get us!!!!!! 😯
😳 i think im gettin scared 😳
eek! sorry
*tries to hide fear* 😳
hehehe i like the way you think :evil2:
thats pretty mean…you goin to give nuntia a weapon at least?
*watches in amusement* this brings back good memories. theres nowt like a good argument. 😆
i shall spread the word 😉