only 30 days left till Halloween.
How shall VTK celebrate this date, which is not only of cultural importance but marks the anniversary of itself ?
Posted In: comments/feedback and suggestions
@maestro wrote:
only 30 days left till Halloween.
How shall VTK celebrate this date, which is not only of cultural importance but marks the anniversary of itself ?
What cultural importance?
well, i wouldnt ask here if i had the überidea…
probably a meetup of all users in the chatroom..cause meeting up at a physical location might prove to be kinda difficult 8)
and somone could stream a radio so we’d have music 😉
anyway im very open to all other ideas of course
i try to ignore them all
@maestro wrote:
and i dont see any cause for not having a party when there is a cause for one, no matter what cause 😉
Even if the cause for your party is the bastard Christ’s birthday?
christmas has less to do with the birthday of this person than with the commercially overblown celebration that celebrates – if anything at all – commerciality itself now, our main figure is not that mythical guy, not even the Christkind ( which could be roughly translated as christian child or christ as child) anymore…instead the coca cola icon of Santa Clause and it’s red colour dominate everything and the whole festival is fully mutated into something totally different than anything remotely christian ( with all its negative connotations) – indeed it’s a holiday one can actually enjoy.
it is now more a party because there is a cause for a party…and that fits exactly to my standards
@maestro wrote:
christmas has less to do with the birthday of this person than with the commercially overblown celebration that celebrates – if anything at all – commerciality itself now, our main figure is not that mythical guy, not even the Christkind ( which could be roughly translated as christian child or christ as child) anymore…instead the coca cola icon of Santa Clause and it’s red colour dominate everything and the whole festival is fully mutated into something totally different than anything remotely christian ( with all its negative connotations) – indeed it’s a holiday one can actually enjoy.
it is now more a party because there is a cause for a party…and that fits exactly to my standards
What maes said. 😉
if everything fails i can hereby at least announce that, after fixing the last bugs in those scripts we’ll soon have not only a bannerexchange (the industrialvamps BE ) but also classified ads and a gallery where people can even post their own pics or comment those of others
..everything will be online at the end of the week, i only need to work on the layout yet 😀
@maestro wrote:
christmas has less to do with the birthday of this person than with the commercially overblown celebration that celebrates – if anything at all – commerciality itself now, our main figure is not that mythical guy, not even the Christkind ( which could be roughly translated as christian child or christ as child) anymore…instead the coca cola icon of Santa Clause and it’s red colour dominate everything and the whole festival is fully mutated into something totally different than anything remotely christian ( with all its negative connotations) – indeed it’s a holiday one can actually enjoy.
it is now more a party because there is a cause for a party…and that fits exactly to my standards
It’s still called Christmas.. But I bet you celebrate Easter for the chocolate too 😉 Sorry, maes.. Accept it. Christmas is Christmas.. Maybe if they changed the name to ‘annual gift giving day’ and moved it to another date I might believe the old ‘no no! it’s just the commercial aspect bit I like, I’m not christian!’ argument.
@maestro wrote:
can we get ontopic now?
Yeah, I am happy to do so.. As long as you don’t bring up Christmas again, Maes 😉
@maestro wrote:
if everything fails i can hereby at least announce that, after fixing the last bugs in those scripts we’ll soon have not only a bannerexchange (the industrialvamps BE ) but also classified ads and a gallery where people can even post their own pics or comment those of others
..everything will be online at the end of the week, i only need to work on the layout yet 😀
Yay.. 😉
@boi wrote:
w00t! there aren’t enough tradgoth fems these days. *sigh* I remember the good old days when ……zzzzzzzZZZZZZZZ
when we were both too young to do anything but shit our pants.
today most tradgoth girls are more of an annoyance mostly..they tend to look good but then you need some punk ass hairstyle to have any further contact to them.
yet for some reason they can’t see why their ‘boyfriends’ alway turn out to be total nutcases.
jenny is pretty ok, tho. mostly. – as long as she’s not in her mood to argue about music.
for you cannot be right, no matter how many sisters cd’s are cluttering up your car, with a license plate like this 🙄 😉