I, Lucifer isnt what you think it is. It’s not a book about someone claiming to be a satanist. It’s a work of fiction wirtten by a guy called Glen Duncan.
The story is in the first person from the perspective of the devil. In it he’s given one last chance at redemption. If he can live out a sinless life on earth as a mortal, he gets back into heaven when he dies.
Of course, there’s no chance of him accepting the deal, but he does negotiate a trial period: one month on earth in the body of writer that killed himself.
During the next month Lucifer takes the chance to set the biblical record straight, to let us know just what it’s like being him.
But as he writes he comes to find that neither describing nor living are as straight forward as they seem. He’s beset by distractions and all the shoks the flesh is heir to.
It’s interesting to read another point of view and work your way through Glen Duncan’s logic, how the devil seems so convincing.
Take the crucifixtion for example. I dont want to give too much away but the bible tells us the devil wanted the crucifixtion to happen. But Lucifer tells us something different, he tells us that since the crucifixtion was a fullfilment of the old testement proficies, it makes no sense that he’d want it to happen, after all, he is meant to be the advisery to god, so why would he chose to go along with the plans.
In some places it gets a little complex and hard to follow, and there’s no real conclusion, but if you’ve ever wandered what the devil real thinks about god and what he does for a living, give it a read, you wont be disapointed.