Walk with sword in hand across the field
Each army upon the hill, facing the other
Watching for the parley to fail
For the Generals to leave, hearts hardened
War is war afterall, and Inevitable to begin
Sword in hand, screams come from the armies
Down the hills, charging, mounts leaping out
Over, toppling go men who lose their footing
To the Dead of the Arrow, falling face down
Swords clash, the Stronger will beat the Strong
The Cunning will out do the Quick
And the Generals will battle to win Fame
To succeed over the Other and lead their prisoners to Death
The sword dashes it’s marked path, it continues through
the soldier, warrior in training falls to the feet of the Blow
His wife, lover cries the leaves, continuing on, like the blade
As We Watch, We look onto the battle with sadness
The Wheel spins, dipping for each blow and strike
This battle will replay itself many times, over and over
We cannot stop it, Us… The Fallen,
We take up arms, like Great Angels, sweeping through
At the flanks of the losers we go, ending the conflict
The others falln to their knees, commanded to obsediance
We are those who have Fallen
Who will Fall again
At the End of Time……