Vorsuc that cruel git digged up the best blonde joke ever 😈
So, ihr tapferen Tastatur-Tiger, habt ihr euch jemals gefragt, warum wir uns lieber in apokalyptischen…
Posted In: humor
Vorsuc that cruel git digged up the best blonde joke ever 😈
Wow … thanx 😯 What happens at the end ❓
@necromancerza wrote:
What happens at the end ❓
hehehehehehe rotflmfao 😆
That’s the joke hon… tho I wonder how long it would take to get to the end? 😯 I have been sent a ton of B4B jokes that are like this…. one of these days I shall post Greensleeves however not until I know you all love me so much that M wouldn’t dare boot me from the site for it…. *laughing maniacally*
hehehehehehe rotflmfao
That’s the joke hon…
I was being sarcastic Sid …. 8)
hehehehehehe rotflmfao back at you … 🙂
@necromancerza wrote:
Wow … thanx 😯 What happens at the end ❓
You unlock two secret characters, get the alternative ending and unlock god mode.
You unlock two secret characters, get the alternative ending and unlock god mode.
I already have two secret characters in my split personality : 😯
godmode you say … i`ll keep clicking then 😉