@Darkpanic wrote:
Fuck if I know.
Clearly. Allow me to enlighten…
BDSM is fine (AFAIK) from consensual age here… The spanner case was not about BDSM but more the single act of physical harm on another.
As it stands, ABH is classed as greater than superficial, needing stiches. For the most part, the activities carried out in the Vampire community (and the Spanner case in particular) are not usually to this extreme. However, you can, and WILL be prosecuted for ABH, should charges be pressed.
Having consent from a partner does NOT clear you. The charge of ABH will be brought regardless of whether they are willing or were forced. If the partner DOES give evidence that the act was with consent, then they too could be charged with “aiding and abeiting” (how fucked is our legal system??) of ABH on themselves.
You can stop laughing now.
The point is that you clearly shouldn’t be doing this with someone you don’t trust absolutely. All it would take is for someone to wander to the police station, give a statement and show the marks for you to be carted off.
BDSM in general, is fine … just as long you don’t leave marks (bruises, cuts,etc).