This does not surprise me…
You made it.
And you set up the payload for the rickroll…..
This does not surprise me…
You made it.
And you set up the payload for the rickroll…..
~ Kitty C.
*walks away*
*waves* Hello IO, *laughs*. No, but we’ll change that. *grins*
Ahh.. Now all we need is Nostro, V and Red to appear here and the Elders will be truly back.
Maybe we could even get a couple of the others out as well? The thought makes me shiver with anticipation! *grins*
Oh god, no. No one ever leaves. Maestro, our God, makes sure of that.
I’ve always lurked now and then, to see how we all are. *grins*
I feel so special.
I’m an Elder. *gags* I’m not that old!
~ Kitty C.
Atreyu – Epic
All of VNV Nations Lyrics
All of Faderhead’s lyrics 😈
All of Covenant lyrics
All of Diary of Dreams
All of Icon of Coil
All of Luna Coil lyrics
All of Within Temptation
All of ACDC
All of Disturbed
All of Nine Inch Nails
…. There’s heaps more. But that should keep you busy for a little while.
Nec… I do believe you’ve been caught red handed… Or more… “Shroud In Hand”. 😈
~ Kitty C.
Neither would work. Because the Atoms are the physical aspect of Time, of Space and existence… I’m prosposing to stop the untouchable.
Halt the Duration of time. Which isn’t stopping the Atoms.. it’s Stopping Time entirely. 😈
And then some… Was quite good.
*Kills Troll Bot*
You can borrow mine. I have plenty. *laughs*
~ Kitty C.
You’re an Idiot. 🙄
Time stands immortal here. I’m firmly convinced on this fact.
We just have to stop the DURATION of time.
~ Kitty C.
Good to see you too Necro 😈
Didn’t think I’d see you here again.
Do you know where you stuffed the bodies of the girl scouts?
I want my cookies damn it! ❗
~ Kitty C.
What happened to the cookies, and the blood vials… and.. Wait.
My bad. I forgot.
We ate the girl scouts. 😈
~ Kitty C.
Only feed them when everything else is dead… Literally.
Still a damn good laugh.
~ Kitty C.
You’d be surprised.
I have had the pleasure of running into two of them.
The best one looked like that guy in the after shot.
*laughs* Gods, she was an ugly little troll.
The other, wasn’t/isn’t so bad.
She goes by her real name now.
Thank whatever Unholy creature that decided to shift her mind.
~ Kitty C.
O RLY? 😯
No tits 4 U.
*grins* Good to be back, now I get to annoy you even more.
Four years in the reply… But well misquoted. *chuckles*
Successful troll is successful
~ Kitty C.
Yes, people do watch and lurk here…
~ Kitty C.
My cheeks are sore form laughing too much. Tha was brilliant.
Well.. There’s a new side of Navre I had never seen.
*flounces through*
Your welcoming package :
Two dead chickens
Several tons of broken bricks
A deflated bicycle tyre
A dictionary
And three giant munted lollipops saying “Zombie Bunny – He Love You Good”
Welcome to the V.TK!
Yes, didn’t quite get it all… But still… Perfect.
Awww…. That was SO cute!
I didn’t know him, but I’m not planning on going to the funeral any time soon.
Had enough of the newbies running off crying.
Compassion…. I didn’t read anything about compassion when I signed up. *G*
~Flounces on through~
Your Welcome package :
George Bush’s undies – USED.
Michael Jackson’s first dropped ( born ) kid.
Two half cut pears
Three sticks of wet cancer
And a small little doll that won’t stop screaming “Ohh!! .. STOP THE PAIN DADDY…. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD… PLEASE MAKE IT STOP MOMMY!”
And tends to chase you around.
Welcome to the V.TK….
M… That woman-thing was hit by “The Wardrobe”.
I didn’t do a damn thing…
*walks off*
She didn’t even stay long enough for her welcoming package?!
There’s nothing like ripping off a Lupine’s head or dis-embowling a vampire to make you sigh with pleasure and happily continue living.
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