Lately i found myself working for a fetish wholesaler, doing catalog shoots of lovely women in very abandoned ruins (you guessed this will benefit VTK somehow) for both their business and our beloved community (as soon as photoshopping is finished). Now, beeing part of the general guy-with-a-camera scene and having a look around the various forums for models that would share our love of scarcely clad individuals in dystopic surroundings i did notice one thing:
Women couldn’t be more self obsessed if they came gold plated with diamonds as nipples
Everytime i think i’ve seen it all one of those funny little creatures has something new in stock to completely mesmerize me:
When i was looking for models for VTK, there was all the usual “i only shoot TFP (which is them spending their valuable time for getting photos in your style – because your time, costs and experience are pretty much worthless as it seems) when it improves the quality of my sedcard several-fold” crap. Which is topped by “i’m spending so much on makeup that i NEED to be reimbursed for it. So i’ll take the euqivalent of a cheap whore /hour though i’m utmost sincere in the fact that i only do it for fun and as a hobby and not because i’m somehow unable to work the normal way”.
You really get a feeling for the latter type of people when you open shooting requests sounding like “Hey, i love your photos! I’d like to have something in your style, how about a pay shoot” and consider the fact that they never actually intended to pay you for your style when they were talking about money beeing paid to someone
Now that we offer TimeForClothes for the catalog shoots (they get free clothing for having their photos in the catalog and not only a “reference” of beeing in a catalog, which would completely suffice for most decent people) i get showered in requests.
Today, i probably got the best one until now:
“Hey there, i’d like to do the TfC thing but i live in $assofworld, how about paying my travel costs?”
Sure, how about i cook your dinner and massage your feet, you gullible bitch?
Because i can’t already build an army out of good looking girls who at least live in my area, i have to import you, chubby, short haired abomination from the outer fringes of hell to make a set of photos called “Mrs. Lame ’08”. Of course, what a brilliant idea.
How lucky we are that there is also a group of cute little ladies that don’t have to be treated like stranded dolphins, needing to be showered in liquid platinum just because of their self proclaimed modeling. These are the VTK models, the jewels of the interwebs, who only do it for fun. And cool stuff.