Hello everyone, my name is seth, my nickname is Arcaina or Arc..whatever you use is fine.
Anyways, I am looking for a host, a vampire host of course, I wish to be turned. I once had a mentor but she disappeared all of a sudden:( I am sixteen years old and I am willing to learn anything. I have had a strange life for all of you who care, my dad doesnt love or know me(really, i havent seen him in 12 years) my stepdad abused me and my mom and she didnt protect me ever.When I was eight I started having these weird images in my head along with strange dreams about vampires..and other such things. I have no religon, I am trying to learn about religon more..anyways please contact me if you wish to help me. You can reach me at yahoo with this—>>raven_arca@yahoo.com or you can contact me here.
So, ihr tapferen Tastatur-Tiger, habt ihr euch jemals gefragt, warum wir uns lieber in apokalyptischen…