It’s one of those days. You’re a student at some random school. You’re the ex-girlfriend of so many boys and men you can’t keep a track of them and your body is giving in on you….. You’re complaining to someone who obviously seems to care.. who’s the only one in the world who cares….
And suddenly they turn around one day and say “Yes.. Well, the next girl your ex has will get everything that the others didn’t because he will know the true treasure she is.” It knocks you on your arse. You realise you’ve done horrible things and you hare losing the respect, interest and friendship of your friend. You race around like a headless chicken. You try and gain her frienship back but she’s being distant and you realise… you suddenly see that people have this perception of you that is wrong. You don’t know how it happened, or why but you want to fix it….
I know this happens.
You’re in a world where nothing can go wrong, you’re everyone’s friend and they all love you. But you don’t realise you’re being selfish. And suddenly you’re being snidely remarked about, you’re the town bike, you’re a worthless student and nothing seems to be going right. You’re body gets sick, you can’t eat correctly and suddenly your confidence is being blown by the fact that the one guy you wanted turns to you and says “Sorry I just want to be friends”… the EXACT line you used on a guy not two days ago… How dare he!
Darling, it’s time to wake up and learn that your time of having fun is over. You’re classified as the bitch who goes through men like water through a seiv. Problem here is, you just stole a few decent guys and turned them into “untouchables”… Why? Because of your “Date/fuck/dump” habits, no one can quite know for sure if you haven’t given the guy somthing horribly nasty and no one’s game enough to sleep with them for the next six months incase you’ve got Chlymidia, Herpes or “Clap,Clap for the Handicap”…. Get my drift?
I told you nicely… very nicely… Considering the very male I was discussing with you, who would treat the next female better, was behind me watching me type; that you “Just happened to enjoy sex, which shows you’re not concerned with social views of sex and females…” And no. I did not mean it in the liberating way. I was calling you a slut. Pure and Simple. Now what did you do to earn this illustrious title? Unfortunately, while you did try and cover your tracks. You seem to have forgotten TWO basic rules of having sex and being free.
One : If you’re going to fuck alot of males… Make sure you DO NOT involve yourself with them UNLESS it’s strictly numbered as sex-only. If it’s numbered as having potential then don’t bloody bother going to another male. This is called “Running” and is known as a trade-mark of a slut.
Two : If you put yourself into a relationship, give it longer than two freak’in days! This another sign of a retail slut. Someone who fucks, decides the male isn’t good enough without giving them a chance and dumps them citing the old tale “I just want to be friends/I have enough going on around me or in my head without wanting to hurt you… ETC”. Dumb bitch….
The only cure for people like you is to have you removed from the gene pool… Either by sterilisation. Which I want to perform myself on you. Or have you realise – hopefully in time – that you’re wasting your time trying to impress so many men with your sexual prowess. If you want ot impress them then DON’T BE EASY. Easy bitches like yourself a merely passing trends, fads when the male gets desperate enough to have sex with you. You’ll find if you back off from having sex with so many passing-by boyfriends and actually stick to one, that you will grow up, your sexual experience with him will give you the ability to actually learn, to figure out your own body and to know what you like. THEN you can go out and chase them when you’re single.
I speak from experience. Hence the reason I’m not considered a slut. I’m considered a Nympho… Why?
One : I stick to the one male. Who, currently, is my boyfriend of about three months. Yeah. THREE MONTHS. Oh my god. How can I stand sleeping with the same male more than once? Simply because I enjoy his company, his wit, his caring nature and I appreciate him as a person.
Two : I can control my sexual drive. While it’s a complete bitch I’d rather not deal with, I have to. There’s nothing like dealing with a male whos sex-drive is low and exhausting him before you are even close…. Why doesn’t this seem to relate to the subject at hand? Well, here’s the clarification. CONTROL YOUR DRIVE. It’s NOT that fucking HARD. And it teaches you alittle bit about your body and how to discipline it.
Three : I’m selective. I don’t just jump anything that fucking walks. If I did, by now I would have as many diseases as you and probably then some. Fortunately, I don’t and probably never will. I look at the person, test them, see if they’re worth the effort and THEN dive in. Unlike you, who seems attracted to anything that shows the least bit of attention. Two peopl come to mind when I think of this Piranah and Dragon… but we won’t go there.
I think the most important bit here is….
Fucking learn bitch. How hard is it to close your legs, learn some self-respect and finally just grow THE FUCK UP? You’re eighteen. It’s not that hard. If I can, so can you!
Jesus… If everyone was like you, I’d kill you all for some peace and quiet. O.o;;
Love Is A Gross Exaggeration Of Lust… You Don’t Count. V.V