I spent considerable time to assess the situation. For any upgrade of VTK to a newer system there are scripts that make you guys keep your user accounts, private messages and forum posts. Everything else, not so good.
However, i hardly feel your highscore in simon is something you base your existence on, so the only thing i want to make sure is there are no hard feelings when the member galleries won’t be ported to the new site. I can load up all official galleries again, but i can’t upload the member ones or it would be “me” posting the picture – and you know what kind of stuff is in there.
Keeping it simple, most of the users who have galleries are not regular users or vanished, i will host a mirror of the current incarnation of the galleries on a subdomain, so that for example Hunter’s photos and others stay accessible for those who need them.
Of course, after the upgrade you can all have new member galleries in a better script