To make an entrance at your local venue you have the choice between a classic limo and THE classic, a hearse. Only this time you dont have to buy it and spend all your remaining money on keeping it from rotting away underneath you on the way to the club.
it comes fully tanked with driver, so you can tank whatever you want and still have the ladies beg you to take them home with you.
ayup Goth Limo here
good to find people talking about what i do 😀 i have webstats on my site and they pointed me to this post.
hope you like my rides as i’ve spent a long time building up what i have and love it
please tell others and if you know anyone that wants to add links or banners to me thats great as its a hard business to promote 🙄 🙄
anyway chat to you if your ever over on my site
from their Fleet page… Not too keen on the interior, the white stuff looks kinda tacky, almost like polystyrene.
just thought i would add that the intirior is mostly original american hearse so i left it to keep the feel. the seat and bar is not normal in a hearse but i guess you know that!
we have the same problem with making this site more known since our restart, so we feel with you guys and try to feature cool stuff we stumbled over
dont worry about the interior, i think it’s better to keep it original than trying to add “gothness” through ripping it apart or cluttering pleather all over it, that’d ruin the style
i would never get upset if some one said anything bad about my ride. lets face it i drive a hearse and a lot of people dont like that!
didnt want to go to goth as it might scare of the more mormal customers!
i would be happy to get my web man to put a link to your site on mine. sorry but we dont do banners just text links. if you want to use my banner or even just a text link that would also be cool 😀
didnt want to go to goth as it might scare of the more mormal customers!
Aww, man.
No pleather interior… Pittttttttttty. That would be sweet.
Personally I have no particular interest for retro american style, ala the interior, it just looks a bit naff to me. Maybe I’m too young. 😉 It’s all very well it looking cool on the outside – which it does – but bringing a girl into it I could imagine it would be a bit of a disappointment, at least to our type of girls 😉
(copyright RedVamp from these very forums) I mean, can’t exactly imagine her lounging in there, it’s just not stylish enough. 😉
Too bad there isn’t some kind of thing where you could press a button and it’d swap from “acceptably kooky” to “sexily goth badassmobile”, heh! 🙂
On a slightly different note, clever way that you found the site, congrats 🙂
hmmm, maestro, you should consider setting up a banner exchange just for VTK, so the money goes straight to funding the site. I imagine a lot of places would be interested on advertising here, and most owners of gothic-type websites are pretty laid-back from my experience. 🙂
a link on our site could bring you some traffic as we get a good few hits and we should be having an artical in the daily star soon about a goth wedding we did last halloween and this will include our web address.
hmmm, maestro, you should consider setting up a banner exchange just for VTK, so the money goes straight to funding the site.
ill consider that at a later time probably – the next project is a 1:1 banner exchange that just lacks a name yet, so site owners can plug their site on VTK and elsewhere while showcasing another site on their site, benefits everyone involved 🙂
we could also have a banner rotation on this site showing banners of whomever is willing to invest in some of VTK’s hosting bills if you mean that – but interest has been scarce until now 😥
maybe cause noone knew 8) 😉